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Echo Productions, founded in 2012, is a theatre company that specializes in creating original works of theatre for the social media age – concise, politically relevant, and emotionally impactful.  All our shows are fully scored using a mixture of live and musical accompaniment, with choreographed movement sequences distributed throughout the text to accentuate heightened moments of action.  


When Echo Productions was founded in the Summer of 2012, we had a simple goal: to foster a creative outlet that would reflect who we are as artists, performers, and, perhaps most of all, as people. We were joined by a shared passion for physical theatre, a medium that we felt we could wrestle with and make our own. We were inspired by our reverence for music, which breathed life into the raw physicality of our style. And finally we have been blessed with the brilliant and talented performers who have given us their trust and helped make our vision a reality. Here we are now years later and it is difficult to express the delicate balance between fierce pride and extreme humility that I feel as Echo Productions continues to grow and evolve. I want to give a huge thanks to all of the wonderful people who have generously supported us in various ways over the years - without you we wouldn’t be here today. Thank you to the incredible performers and crew members who have been instrumental in making this happen. To put so much of your time, effort, sweat, and blood in this... it’s indescribable. And finally, a massive thanks to you for believing in us enough to come out and experience what we’ve created. A stage is one thing — an audience makes all the difference. 

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